Leave it to the experts.

Our dog aggression rehab program is typically a 4-6 week program. We work with dogs that are aggressive towards people, animals, or anything else. The program focuses on dogs that bark excessively, growl, snap, lunge, bite, and attack. During this program we start at a slow pace, playing training games with your dog and guiding them through everyday activities in order to gain their trust. We implement a system of communication through operant and classical conditioning in order to teach your dog exactly what we want and expect. We utilize various tools, matched appropriately to your dog, in order to complete this circle of communication and correct any negative behaviors. As every aggression case can’t be “FIXED”“, we do our best to work your dog through their issues as opposed to working around them or suppressing them.


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Aggression or severe behavior issues can be very tricky to combat. When dealing with these issues dogs become unpredictable and can unintentionally release frustration in places we don’t want. Leave these issues to the experts. Dealing with aggression takes patience, knowledge, and a lot of practical application. Leave it to us to help your dog through these troubling times.

Our Dog Aggression Program.

Our dog aggression rehab program is typically a 4-6 week program. We work with dogs that are aggressive towards people, animals, or anything else. The program focuses on dogs that bark excessively, growl, snap, lunge, bite, and attack. During this program we start at a slow pace, playing training games with your dog and guiding them through everyday activities in order to gain their trust. We implement a system of communication through operant and classical conditioning in order to teach your dog exactly what we want and expect. We utilize various tools, matched appropriately to your dog, in order to complete this circle of communication and correct any negative behaviors. As every aggression case can’t be “FIXED”“, we do our best to work your dog through their issues as opposed to working around them or suppressing them.

What To Expect After?

As a responsible dog owner, after our program we will go through everything you need to know about your dog. We will continuously check up with you about your dog’s progress and if necessary, schedule follow up sessions. After our program your dog will be well behaved and obedient. We will teach you how to work him through his issues, what triggers him, and how to combat these issues. Every dog won’t come out 100% changed as aggression never really goes away, BUT THEY WILL come out on top! We will help them improve drastically by building their confidence, exposing them to different environments and scenarios, and teaching you how to Communicate, Be Fair, and Understand your dog.

Where Does Aggression Stim From?

There are many reasons for aggression in dogs. It’s our job to figure out the cause of aggression in order to help the dog work through it. Most aggression cases stem from fear or lack of exposure. These behaviors can be classified into many different categories:
  • Fear
  • Sensitivity
  • Resource guarding
  • Dominance
  • Frustration
  • Redirecting
  • Predatory aggression
  • Illness

Each of these types of aggression are cause and effect related. Though we may not know exactly what may have caused the initial issue, it’s our job as dog trainers to find a solution and mitigate the risk of danger. There are many reasons for aggression, it’s vital for your dog to connect with a professional trainer. At Next-Door K9, our team will assess your dog and assemble the appropriate course of action for training.

Extended Guaranteed Assistance.

These programs are covered by our extended guarantee. The extended guarantee covers your dog’s training for the remainder of his/her life. If your dog starts regressing, having issues, or you just simply don’t know what do anymore, you can always contact us and we’ll come out to help. This guarantee is only void if you aren’t continuing your training at home as we discuss and reaching out when you need more help.

Aggression Rehabilitation

Correct Negative Behavior and Regain Confidence With Your Dog!
*Price Subject to Consultation*
  • Pick Up
  • Drop Off
  • On Leash Obedience
  • Off Leash Obedience (In a safe manner, dictated by trainer)
  • Behavior Modification

Financing Available

  • Contact us for your quote!
  • Click the link below to apply.
  • Complete the short online application form.
  • If approved and you accept, you’ll have a credit limit attached to your PayPal account almost immediately.
  • Affordable payments
  • Great approval rating
  • No credit score impact